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Mark Malamut’s Avatar

Mark Malamut

Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Aliso Viejo, California
3 Answers
11205 Reads
1 Karma

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Elaine’s Avatar
Elaine Mar 01, 2024 939 views

Do you need lots of connections to get into the tech industry?

I'm a high school student.

Desi’s Avatar
Desi Apr 08, 2014 1475 views

How do I get people to invest in my business?

I was thinking about starting a business but couldn't figure out how i would get people to invest in my business. #investing #e-business #investor

Golden’s Avatar
Golden Jul 14, 2021 1354 views

Becoming A Computer Scientist

Starting college as freshmen in September and chose to major In C.S What would be the best way to start my journey. I have no prior knowledge with coding or anything C.S related but very interested in learning, so many different things to learn I’m not sure where to start, I want to learn...