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Ontario, Ontario, Canada
5 Questions
191 Karma

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Vanessa May 14, 2016 1120 views

Do you need to be good at computing for a career in physics?

I'm going into physics, but I'm not great on computers. Should I start learning now? #physics #computers #occupation

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa May 14, 2016 1113 views

What are some tips for choosing your first-year university courses?

There are so many options, I simply can't decide! Not only do I love physics, but I also love music, geology, chemistry, astronomy, and mathematics. I want to keep myself open, but 10 is the maximum. #college #university #courses #first-year

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Vanessa May 14, 2016 5810 views

Is it possible to mix music and physics in your career?

I have a real passion for physics and music (notably theoretical and orchestra, respectively). I'm curious for what jobs mix the two. #music #physics #occupation #theoretical #orchestral-music #orchestra

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Vanessa May 14, 2016 990 views

What are some job options for someone with a degree in theoretical physics?

I'm going to university next year and hope to get a degree in physics, notably theoretical, and I really have no idea what jobs could also include my passion in it! #university #physics #occupation #theoretical

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Vanessa May 14, 2016 845 views

What type of technology is used in first-year university labs?

I take medicine that makes me unable to operate large machinery, and I'd like to know if it's a problem I need to address with someone at the university. #technology #university #first-year#college #science #career #medicine