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Natasha Susoev’s Avatar

Natasha Susoev

Senior Revenue Analyst at LinkedIn
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Tempe, Arizona
3 Answers
10525 Reads
61 Karma

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Rio-NielC_af13’s Avatar
Rio-NielC_af13 Mar 27, 2013 6029 views

How do I decide between career paths?

I am currently a senior in highschool trying to decide between career paths. I am interested in the medical field but I am also intersted in business. I was wondering what should be my deciding factor or some things I should take into consideration in order to come to a final decision....

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Dec 26, 2013 2030 views

As a accounting major what is your career and what are some of your responsibilities?

I would like to get an understanding of the career possibilities for a accounting major. #career #accounting

Leonela’s Avatar
Leonela Dec 04, 2013 2430 views

What would you recommend doing if I'm not 100% sure on going forth and per suing a carrier in accounting... What helped you decide on actually pursuing this carrier field?

Hello, I'm a senior in High School, trying to figure out if I'm actually interested in accounting, but I need a push for something to actually do to find if I'm interested in this carrier. #financial-accounting