Roy Prabuddha
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What is the best way to get into Microsoft software development team?
Hi my name is cooper I am in sixth grade and my dream job is Microsoft software development team and I have a few questions. What degree is the best to get into Microsoft because I know a lot of people apply, and what do I need to do to start getting ready, I have all ready been programming...

Is it necessary to become efficicent using Microsoft Office to make your college career easier?
I know that there are different majors in college and I was curious about how often Office will be used throughout college. I used word sometimes during high school but it was different because we were in a classroom. Should I familiarize myself with all the programs such as, Word, Power...

How do you handle a situation where two people aren't working well together?
Understand the nature of the conflict.
Encourage employees to work it out themselves.
Listen to both sides.
Determine the real issue, together.
Consult your employee handbook.
Find a solution.