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5 Questions
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Taylor’s Career Goals

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Taylor Nov 26, 2024 432 views

Can you explain what a procedure or surgery looks like for a CRNA? What is your job in surgery, what are the basic steps, specific plans, and safety protocols?

I am a student at Mayo High school and I do P-TECH at RCTC and its a program for future nurses to help us graduate high school with our LPN degrees. I am considering being a CRNA in my future.

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Taylor Nov 26, 2024 501 views

I know that CRNA get paid well but other than that why would you recommend choosing this career versus other nursing fields?

I am a student at Mayo High school and I do P-TECH at RCTC and its a program for future nurses to help us graduate high school with our LPN degrees. I am considering being a CRNA in my future.

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Taylor Nov 26, 2024 340 views

What is the best part about being a CRNA and what is the worst or most difficult?

I am a student at Mayo High school and I do P-TECH at RCTC and its a program for future nurses to help us graduate high school with our LPN degrees. I am considering being a CRNA in my future.

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Taylor Nov 26, 2024 261 views

Because of how long schooling was and how specialized this field is, was there ever a moment where you felt regret or wished you chose something different?

I am a student at Mayo High school and I do P-TECH at RCTC and its a program for future nurses to help us graduate high school with our LPN degrees. I am considering being a CRNA in my future. I would love this field but I am hearing mixed opinions on people who enjoy this pathway and who don't.

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Taylor Nov 26, 2024 269 views

As a CRNA what do you do on a day-to-day basis and what does a normal day in your field look like?

I am a student at Mayo High school and I do P-TECH at RCTC and its a program for future nurses to help us graduate high school with our LPN degrees. I am considering being a CRNA in my future.