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Chicago, Illinois
2 Questions
46 Karma

Hannah’s Career Goals

something in criminal justice

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Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Dec 01, 2024 609 views

What fields are there in criminal justice, and what degrees get you there?

I'm a high school student who's stumped on what field of criminal justice I want to work to become a part of. What I'm looking for is a job with a fairly consistent schedule, decent pay, and involves crime. Bringing justice is what motivates me to work in this area, so every field sounds...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Dec 01, 2024 445 views

CSIs, how often are you called into work after your shift ?

I'm a highschool student who wants to work in criminal justice in the future, and CSI sounds very interesting to me. But from what I've heard, you have to get up even when you're off-shift, work overtime, and have a very inconsistent schedule with minimal sleep. It's important to me that I'll...