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Christina Li’s Avatar

Christina Li

Assurance Associate at PwC
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
3 Answers
3526 Reads
16 Karma
Logan’s Avatar
Logan Feb 03, 2017 1219 views

Where is the best area to live that will offer me the best opportunities as an accountant?

I'm very interested in pursuing my interests and becoming an accountant, but I need to figure out where to start. Some careers offer better opportunities in different places around the world, for example a fashion designer shouldn't live in Missouri because they won't have as big of a market as...

zoha’s Avatar
zoha Jun 23, 2016 1373 views

I want to work in banking sector,which field should i opt?

i want to be a banker and make it as my career. i need some valuable suggestions. #accounting #economics #banking #investment-banking #commerce

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Mar 25, 2018 1681 views

What is the highest title in the Accounting field?

I am undecided in my major, but I am strongly considering Accounting and becoming a CPA. I want to know if that position would be the highest position I could acquire. #job-promotion #job-rankings #accounting #cpa #accountant #undecided #need-this-scholarship #broke...