MaryAnn’s Career Goals
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What are scholarship essay judges usually looking for, aside from good grammar and syntax?
When someone is applying for a scholarship that includes an essay, how do the judges usually choose the winner? Obviously it will vary based on the topic, but what makes up a good scholarship essay?
#scholarship #scholarships #scholarship-essay #college-essay

If one is studying to become a Nurse Practitioner, what category of college major would it land in?
I want to become a Nurse Practitioner. While looking for scholarships and applying to universities, there is usually no NP option in the list of study. I've heard that the degree consists of BSN and MSN, but usually neither that nor NP is in the options bar. Would NP count as part of the...

What can a medical student do to boost their chances of landing a job straight out of college?
I'm studying to become a Nurse Practitioner and I was wondering what employers like to see on resumes of newly graduated students. Are there any classes or skills that would give me an added edge in the job market? #college #nurse-practitioner #new-job #resume #resume-building #career-advice...