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Jared Twing’s Avatar

Jared Twing

Game Developer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Los Angeles, California
3 Answers
5750 Reads
46 Karma

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Chance’s Avatar
Chance Jun 26, 2015 1763 views

What are the key components to becoming a professional game designer?

I am 17 and a student at Balboa High School. I love experiencing the stories that are told through gaming and want to make them. I need to know the requirements to become a professional in that field so I can follow my passion. #general #animation #games

John ’s Avatar
John Sep 03, 2015 2503 views

What is a career that will be beneficial for me after college in terms of salary and also a career that will not die out?

I am a senior in high school, and I am looking for a career that will be beneficial for me after college in terms of salary and also a career that will not die out. I know this a tough topic to answer but I need some arrow to follow. A career in computers, game design, security, or something to...

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Mar 23, 2015 1600 views

What steps should I take to work with video games?

I like to play video games and it be awesome if I were able to make my own games and let people play my game and have fun. #computer-science #video-game-design #3d-graphics #video-game-production