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How do I pick just one career path?

Hi, I honestly have no idea what career would be best for me. One I could succeed in, I want to be a nurse but at the same time a photographer and a writer. I do write stories because I have a lot of ideas in my head, and photography my dad got me into that and I love it. I am only in high school right now and got two years to think about it, but it will go by so fast. Also, not comfortable with asking the counselor because it feels like they judge more that helping.

Thank you comment icon Hey Jasmine, I edited your question so that your title was a question instead of a statement. This may help it get more eyes on it! Gurpreet Lally, Admin
Thank you comment icon Hey Jasmine! I see that a lot of people in the comments are saying to pursue a STEM degree, but I don't necessarily agree with this. I'm about to finish two degrees (psych and Environmental Studies) and plan to basically ignore them both and pursue creative writing post-grad. I only realized senior year that I don't actually like either my majors much and should've pursued other subjects that I actually enjoy, like English. Listen to what calls you. If you end up trying writing or photography and don't like the lifestyle, you can always go back to school and pursue nursing. Of course, if you're passionate about nursing and want writing and photography to be hobbies, go for it! But ideally, your career and your major should flow from what you love. Marlowe

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6 answers

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Marissa’s Answer

Hi Jasmine,

It's OKAY to not know what you want to be when you are out of high school, or even when you are out of college. Personally, my career doesn't look anything like I thought it would when I started my undergraduate degree but I'm so happy with it. My recommendation for you is to pursue a STEM degree (nursing is great!) and pursue photography and writing on the side. The great thing about going to college is you will have time to take classes that are not part of your major. You should be able to find classes in photography or writing that help you to continue to pursue those interests.
Thank you comment icon Thank you! I will make sure to see if the college I attend has those side classes. Jasmine
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Anup’s Answer

Young adults often have multiple ideas as to career direction. Often these become more narrowed time with time. If you are pursuing a college degree that will allow you to take courses in different areas to see what would be a better fit. Some interests become careers others become jobs and others become hobbies. Time and experience are needed to figure which become a career vs. job vs. hobbies. Classes in each area could help.
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Priya’s Answer

Hi Jasmine, it can be really tough in high school and college because people are so focused on one career path. Know that whichever path you choose, you can still have options to develop your other interests. I really wanted to do art but was not able to in college, but now while I am working toward my current career of being a counselor, I am also developing my art further and love it! I love being able to work on both. For me, I had more options after college while I have a job to figure out what to do with my resources. Beforehand, for me, it was tough because there is so much going on and so much pull about majors, etc. Another option is you can pick a major you are interested in and minor in something else you are interested in! Good luck, and know that you do not have to be just one thing when you become an adult. A lot of adults I know have their main career, and a lot of side jobs/hobbies/passions. Keep developing and thinking about what you like through your high school career and you might narrow down on one you really want to pursue mainly (or you might not and that is okay!) You can also ask some teachers if you feel more comfortable, but at the end of the day just know whatever people say is their opinion =). Try and see what works for you when you get there! Take this time now to just get to know yourself and what makes you feel alive, or what you really enjoy and are passionate about. There isn't a wrong answer. Of course, you may need to think of your resources during senior year, but worry about it after you get a feel for what you like (at least that is what I think!)
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Steve’s Answer

The first thing you need to find is what makes you happy, and it's glad you know you like photographing and writing.
These two things are something you should keep doing, but it's not necessary to be your occupation.
Works and jobs are something you should be good at or even excellent at but not must-be your favorite.

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Elizabeth’s Answer

The great thing about being in high school is that you have time to figure out what you want to do. I think the biggest advice I can give is to not stress out that you have to make a choice now. I went to college and got a degree in Education. Now I work in Insurance. You have lots of time to explore career opportunities and find the right fit for you. Even once you go to college and graduate, you are not tied to one career. Life is all about exploring different things. It is wonderful that you have so many passions. My advice is to start looking for schools that would suit your interest in nursing but also have classes in writing and photography. See if you can do classes in all three your freshman year. Nursing would probably be the safest career choice, but taking classes in writing and photography will give you the skills to explore a career or side hustle in those areas. Remember you have the rest of your life to figure out what you want to do.
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Jerome’s Answer

I'd suggest you classify your interests:
- Which one(s) offer solid, long-term prospects in a field that you find appealing?
- Which one(s) offer fascinating work but may not be able to provide you a steady income and benefits?

Those falling into the first section become "career potential".
Those in the second often become "side gigs" or "hobbies".

There's nothing wrong with the latter -- they may become careers for you in the future -- but you want to make sure you learn something that will keep you fed and clothed while you explore and develop other avenues. With luck, you can get into a career combining all of your interests that takes care of you as well.

Good luck with your search. You're young and have a lot of options from which to choose!