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What steps can I take to ensure that I can be successful in my chosen career choices?

I am in 10th Grade. I am interested in taking classes in business, finance, creative writing, graphic design, and analytics. Steps that I can take to ensure my success in my chosen career choices are filling out a resume, perfecting my skills more outside of the workplace, and knowing how to manage my time and my money better.

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12 answers

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Scott’s Answer

Hi Leandra,

It's great to hear that you're interested in pursuing a career in business, finance, creative writing, graphic design, and analytics! As someone who has had experience in career planning, I can suggest a few actionable steps that can help you achieve success in your chosen fields.

Remember, with hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn, you can achieve great things in your chosen career paths.

Good luck!

Scott recommends the following next steps:

Take advantage of the resources available to you: Gathering as much information as you can about your career options is crucial. You can do this by researching online, talking to professionals in your desired fields, attending job fairs, and joining relevant clubs or organizations. There are also many free resources available online, such as articles, podcasts, and webinars, that can help you learn more about your fields of interest.
Build your skills/Certifications: Continuous development of your skills is essential to excel in your chosen fields. You can do this by taking courses in your areas of interest. Many universities, community colleges, and online platforms offer courses and certifications that can help you gain valuable skills and knowledge. Additionally, there are many free courses available online through platforms such as Hubspot, Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy, which can be a great way to learn about new topics and enhance your skills. For example, if you're interested in finance, you could consider pursuing a certification such as the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Certifications can help you stand out to potential employers and demonstrate your expertise in a particular area.
Create a resume: Even though you're still in high school, creating a resume can help you keep track of your accomplishments and experiences. You can include any relevant coursework, extracurricular activities, certifications, and volunteer work. This will be useful when you start applying for internships or part-time jobs.
Time and money management: Managing your time and finances is crucial for your success. You can start by creating a schedule for studying, extracurricular activities, and personal time. You can also learn how to budget your money and save for future goals.
Learn from mistakes: Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. The key is to learn from them and use them as opportunities to improve. Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things, as it's often through these experiences that we grow and learn the most.
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Rafeh’s Answer

To make this answer more actionable, follow these steps:

1. Identify your habits by keeping a journal for one week. Write down your daily routines, the time spent on each activity, and analyze which habits contribute positively or negatively to your life.

2. Reflect on your desires by creating a vision board or a list of your goals and dreams. Be specific about what you want and why you want it.

3. Determine what you want out of life by setting clear, measurable, and achievable short-term and long-term goals. Break down each goal into smaller, manageable tasks with deadlines for completion.

4. Enhance your resourcefulness by investing in your personal and professional development. Learn new skills that align with your goals, attend workshops or courses, and network with people who share similar interests or who can offer support and guidance.

5. Continuously evaluate and adjust your habits, desires, and goals to ensure that they align with your overall life vision, and make any necessary changes along the way. Stay focused, committed, and proactive in your pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment.
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Jim’s Answer

Focus on improving your communication skills, including writing and speaking. Practice regularly. In my opinion, always use complete, grammatically accurate sentences with correct spelling when sending instant messages (like Slack).
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Jacqueline’s Answer

hi Leandra ,

great to see that you are thinking about taking steps to ensure career success. Looking at your interests listed, there are quite a wide spectrum of professional and creative fields. For a start, you can consider what interest you most. A way to do that is to imagine looking back 3 years later, and you are having a fulfilling career, what kind of achievements can you see. Articulate it . What will make you feel excited. For example, being involved in multiple key or creative projects or having your artwork showcased.

While we can have many interests, start with one that is closest to your heart and things will fall in place as you learn. Enquire about the skills required, speak with people in that industry to help you feel how it could be like. Your efforts to learn skills, collaborate with others & network will help you naturally fill up your resume and connect you to people and jobs available. Most opportunities come from connections and from people who worked well with you previously .

Last but not least, life is never a straight line. What you also find is that passions will change when different opportunities and life events come your way. Take some risk and stay active in being curious. it will help.

Wishing you all the best.

Jacqueline recommends the following next steps:

Start by building your Linkedin profile - this is where recruiters go look for hires. Think about how you want to brand yourself. You can start to list your academic achievements and subsequently replace them with work experiences.
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Kyra’s Answer

Research is so so important! Your job is going to give you the foundational tools for you to succeed so do not worry about if you may not know something they require you to know! Jobs are required to teach you! I will say set yourself up for success by making sure that you teach yourself the necessary basics for whatever it is you may have an interest in. Start out with an internship! Those are really great experience opportunities to give you a little bit insight into the business and gives you the power to either pursue a full time position if they have it or look into another business opportunity!

Always remember, you aren't looking for the job, the job is looking for you!
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Mrinalini’s Answer

Hi Leandra! Firstly, I want to say that it's completely normal for you to have questions and concerns about your future career, especially in the 10th grade. You're at an exciting time in your life, so embrace the possibilities! I understand that earning good money and having a stable career are important to you, and that's absolutely fine. You're already on the right track by thinking about your future!

Take a moment to really evaluate your strengths and interests. Are you passionate about math? Maybe a career in business finance would be perfect for you. Or if you have a creative flair, graphic design might be your true calling. On the other hand, if technology and problem-solving are more your style, analytics could be an excellent fit. All of these fields offer great potential and rewarding career paths, so you really can't go wrong.

Youth like you, full of enthusiasm and passion, can truly excel in any of these areas. If you are really drawn to creativity, then pursue a career in design! The sky's the limit if you put your all into it. But do remember, it's important to choose one focus and give it your all so that you can truly reach your potential.

Don't hesitate to ask for advice from your family, teachers, or even professionals who are already working in the fields you're considering. Their real-life experiences can be incredibly insightful and may help nudge you in the right direction.

Remember that at the end of the day, the choice is yours. You have the power to create an amazing future for yourself, so take your time to find the path that's best for you. If you have any more concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this exciting journey!
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Tom’s Answer

I have one bit of advice for you: learn to improvise and evolve. It's great that you have a plan and that you know what you want. But things change, and you have to learn how to roll with life as it comes. Many people will tell you what they feel you need to hear. I'm going to inform you in a manner that is aimed in a different direction. You sound as though you have a good idea of what to do, and possibly how to do it. But my advice is this: learn to adapt.
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Abdel Rahman’s Answer

Hello Leandra! Great question! In order to find success in any field or profession, it's crucial to enjoy what you do. Here are some actionable steps to help you make the most of your career:

1. Reflect on your passions: Consider what you would enjoy doing professionally for years at a time. What impact do you want to have on others and the world around you? What motivates you to improve daily? Periodically ask yourself these questions and keep a record of your answers.

2. Create a list of potential jobs: Based on your passions, make a list of potential career paths. If your passions don't seem to align with any existing jobs, brainstorm ways you could monetize them (e.g., writing a blog, starting a vlog, or creating a business centered around your passion).

3. Test your job interests: To learn whether a job on your list would be truly enjoyable, look for opportunities to job shadow or intern in that field. This will give you firsthand experience of the work environment, tasks, and challenges you might encounter daily.

4. Realistically weigh the pros and cons: After getting an inside look at different professions, evaluate the positive aspects of each job alongside its difficulties, and consider how these would impact your life and happiness.

5. Select and pursue the most fulfilling option: Choose the job you believe will bring you the most satisfaction, and take steps to enter that field. If you enjoy your work, it's more likely you'll be motivated to excel and achieve success.

Remember that personal growth and career satisfaction are ongoing processes. Regularly reevaluate your passions, interests, and professional development, and be open to change if needed. This way, you'll continuously aim for success in your chosen career path.

Abdel Rahman recommends the following next steps:

Self study - ask yourself what impact you want to leave on those you interact with on a daily basis and the world? If you could do anything at all what would it be? If it's not a job, how can you monetize your passion?
Make a list of potential career options
Find people doing in the fields you're interested in and ask if you can job shadow or intern with them. Be persistent and respectful!
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Dino’s Answer

Hi Leandra! How are you? It's fantastic to see that you're putting so much thought and effort into your career goals. Like you, I've always been curious about my future and the possibilities it could hold. It's great that you're researching different careers and job opportunities to find the perfect fit for you!

Remember, success is all about hard work, a growth mindset, and envisioning yourself as the successful person you aspire to be. Keep that positive attitude and put your best foot forward consistently—embracing every experience on your journey. Don't be afraid of making mistakes either; they're an important part of your growth and development process.

Success doesn't happen overnight—it's the result of consistent practice, training, and learning. Surround yourself with successful people to learn from and inspire you. And when the perfect opportunity comes along, you'll be ready to seize it because you've already prepared yourself to excel in your chosen field.

Keep up the fantastic work, Leandra! Your determination, focus, and passion for success are truly inspiring. You're destined for greatness!

Dino recommends the following next steps:

Always do research you will never go wrong if you weigh all your options (pros & cons)
Consider financial resources of your family.
Find a good mentor to your career.
Financial matter is not the real measurement of success it is how you help yourself and others grow that matters.
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Jonathan’s Answer

Here's a piece of uplifting advice: make sure to set achievable goals for yourself that match your strengths and invigorate your spirit. When you can create a plan that sparks your enthusiasm and diligently work towards its realization, you'll find success trailing behind you throughout your career journey.

In my own professional journey, I've found that aligning my ambitions with my passions is a powerful strategy. It keeps me driven and inspired, even when faced with numerous obstacles and challenges.
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Carolyn’s Answer

Hello, Leandra!

You've identified an interesting (and powerful) combination of disciplines. There's always been a natural synergy between analytics, finance and business; there's a rapidly growing demand for the capability to build a narrative around a certain subject. For example, if I'm presenting various investment options to a client, it's critical that the past performance metrics and future outlook summary is analytically sound. On top of that I need to be able to communicate why the options I selected are right for that individual which often involves data visualization and storytelling.

Next steps:
1) Gather information: There are lots of sources to explore here from your teachers at school to LinkedIn. With LinkedIn you can identify job titles that align with your interests and explore the associated career paths. You can also consider online finance courses--you might start with personal investing as way to gain familiarity with the field. Many of these courses are free.

2) Apply what you're learning: Talk with your Math and English teachers about using a homework project to build a virtual stock portfolio or write a "Letter to the Shareholders" as if you were the Chief Financial Officer of a company you like.

3) Continue your exploration: There are many directions your interests could take you. Allow them to take you into new directions and continue to consider other fields that spark your curiosity.

You're off to a great start! Best of luck to you on this adventure.
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Madi’s Answer

Hi Leandra,

It's fantastic that you're considering multiple career options! To achieve success in any profession, there are specific actions you can take, such as seeking internships to acquire hands-on experience, honing essential soft skills like effective time management and clear communication, and staying informed about current events related to your chosen career path.

Wishing you the best of luck!