Career questions tagged radio-host

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Alexander1141 views

How does a student with no previous experience get a job in radio?

I'm interested in working at one of my local radio stations as a job during college and I'm not sure what jobs I would have at an entry level. Would working at my new college's radio help? Do those stations usually pay? What does the salary of those entry level jobs look like? #radio #radio-host #college-radio

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Dan1163 views

What to study or do over the summer for a DJ-tech radio person?

What do you suggest a high-school student do over the summer to increase their chances for being selected out of a large pool of other applicants for a job as a radio board runner for a morning show? #broadcast-media #radio #radio-broadcasting #radio-host

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Dan1296 views

What is the best way to get into Radio?

Hi! Where I live, the options of going into radio aren't exactly the "cool thing" to do. For example parent's, teachers, and peers would rather be doing something that encompasses more of a "stable" job such as a doctor or an engineer. What do you suggest to someone who has an authentic interest in radio in this situation? #radio #radio-broadcasting #radio-host

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Nargis1043 views

I want to become a radio jockey. what skills do I require the most and is there any madatory qualifications like bachelors or masters degree?

I want to know more on how I can become a radio jockey #marketing #advertising #radio-host #presentations #administrative #access

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Marcos763 views

What is the DAW of choice for engineers in the field of Mass Communications, i.e radio

I would like to know which program to use and become efficient in when I enter the radio broadcasting industry. #radio-broadcasting #radio-host #broadband-networks #public-radio

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Gabriel1334 views

What would be the best time to go into the field of becoming an announcer for radio or television, and try to maintain keeping good grades in college?

I am a athlete, I love the game of basketball, but I also love being in the camera. I know how to be a host because I host a lot of shows before and I am not scared of crowds, especially when it comes to talking about real life situations or about music; or sports. I am asking my question because I want to be able to maintain my grades and keep a consistent good GPA and also be on the basketball team. But I also want to try this career in becoming a announcer. #business #television #public-speaking #radio-host #oral-communication #announcer

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Kristina1940 views

What is the best part about being a radio and television announcer?

I am very interested in becoming a radio or television announcer. I am a senior and off to college in the fall to a four year liberal arts school. I will be taking a few classes in college for business and communications. I am thrilled and interred with the behind the scenes of radio and TV production. I know the amazing different events that one travels to and takes part in, but I was wondering what is the best part? #television #broadcast-television #radio #radio-broadcasting #radio-host

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RJ2017 views

What is the average salary for a broadcast journalist or sports radio host?

I am a junior at Boston Collegiate Charter School who is interested in a career in broadcast journalism after college #sports #radio #radio-host #boston-sports

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Jennifer1197 views

Are there any internships at radio stations?

I am asking this question because I am interested in being a radio personality and I love what they do. #radio #radio-host #presenter

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