Dominick’s Career Goals
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What career best fits my strengths and hobbies?
I'm a senior in high school and would like a future career as an auto-mechanic. My two strongest strengths are: I never give up and I am a problem solver. My hobbies are working and playing problem solving games. Given my strengths and hobbies what kind of career best fits me? What other...

What's it like a day in the life of an Auto Mechanic?
I am looking forward to a career as an auto mechanic and would like to know the daily obstacles a mechanic goes through. The pros and cons of being a mechanic.
#automotive #mechanic #day-in-the-life #day #obstacles

What should be my first step once I graduate high school if I want to get into the automotive industry?
I'm a senior in high school and really want to be a mechanic. I want to be able to diagnose a vehicles problem and be able to fix it.
#automotive #mechanic #cars #steps #high-school #trucks