Career questions tagged strengths

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Dominick710 views

What career best fits my strengths and hobbies?

I'm a senior in high school and would like a future career as an auto-mechanic. My two strongest strengths are: I never give up and I am a problem solver. My hobbies are working and playing problem solving games. Given my strengths and hobbies what kind of career best fits me? What other strengths and experience might I need to become an auto-mechanic? #automotive #cars #trucks #mechanic #strengths #hobbies

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Jessica625 views

What strengths do I need to be a phlebotomist?

#medical #strengths #phlebotomy

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danieh4742 views

Math is not one of my strongest strengths. Will I struggle in the area of economics because of this?

Hi, I'm a 16-year-old high school student determined to get an education in the areas of economics and business. I have many strengths but one of them does not include math. The Idea of this extremely bothers me because I feel as if I will struggle. Any advice? (thank you for all the responses, I'm sorry I don't get to say thank you to everyone who takes the time to answer my questions but thank you!) #career #economics #business #highschool #highschoolstudent #math #strengths #student #linkedin

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danieh1170 views

Math is not one of my strongest strengths. Will I struggle in the area of economics because of this.

Hi, I'm a 16-year-old high school student determined to get an education in the areas of economics and business. I have many strengths but one of them does not include math. The Idea of this extremely bothers me because I feel as if I will struggle. Any advice? (thank you for all the responses, I'm sorry I don't get to say thank you to everyone who takes the time to answer my questions but thank you!) #career #economics #business #highschool #highschoolstudent #math #strengths #student #linkedin

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Rocio655 views

A couple of my strongest strengths are being honest and very reliable. What are some other jobs in the medical field besides a nurse that I could possibly go to college for? (ShytoriB)

#Strengths #Medical #Field

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Wendy705 views

I am inspirational, honest, hard worker, creative and I always try my best for my results to come out accurate if not with what is expected. Can these strengths of mine help me in the path of being a future RN?

#Strengths #RN #Insipartional #honesty #creativity #bestresults

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Briana725 views

What strengths should I have if I would like to become a ER Physician or an Anesthesiologist?

#medicine #emergency-medicine #anesthesiology #doctor #strengths

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Lilianna647 views

What other strengths or experience might I need for being and RN?

#strengths #experiences

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Val750 views

Is having a strong work ethic and be very skilled at time management: would that guarantee me a successful career in cosmetology?

#cosmetology #future #skills #strengths #hair-stylist #hairdressers #makeup-artist #makeup #career

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