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Michelle Paitich’s Avatar

Michelle Paitich

Sr. Director of Operations and GTM
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Mill Valley, California
3 Answers
4232 Reads
32 Karma

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Abby’s Avatar
Abby Nov 10, 2020 1031 views

How can I find jobs that will fund a graduate education?

Is this something I ask at a job interview? Is there a database for places that do?

#job-search #physics #grad-school #graduate-education #benefits #engineering

Leidy Tatiana’s Avatar
Leidy Tatiana Nov 10, 2020 1628 views

Marketing skills practice

Hi everyone, I'm a 4th year business student but I'm very interested in marketing, I would like to practice more my marketing skills to complement the concepts I have gained in college, the problem is that I don't know where to start. I would like to build my CV towards a marketing career. I...

Dylan’s Avatar
Dylan Sep 21, 2020 1776 views

The Best Career for a Lover of Language

Hello everyone! I was just wondering what a good career would be for someone with my hobbies/skillsets/shortcomings. I am an aspiring polyglot, specifically with Korean, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, English (Native), Japanese, and Russian. As of posting this...