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Matias Mendiondo’s Avatar

Matias Mendiondo

Sr. Mulesoft Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Buenos Aires, Argentina
3 Answers
2988 Reads
12 Karma

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Alex’s Avatar
Alex Mar 15, 2021 732 views

How much time is usually spent on working as a graphic designer?

How much time is spent on planning, making the designs and other different aspects of design?
#designer #graphics

JWILLY’s Avatar
JWILLY Mar 17, 2021 495 views

What is the best way to get involved in the stock market?

I took a survey in class and the job that matched up best with my answers was financial investments #marketing .

Driscilla’s Avatar
Driscilla Apr 03, 2020 1483 views

How do I get a job in the creative field with no experience?

I've been looking for a place to start. Also struggling to find connections. #job-search #internship #career #resume #artist #designer