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Detroit, Michigan
15 Questions
602 Karma

JWILLY’s Career Goals

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JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 1131 views

Would you say that trying to figure out what career you want to pursue when your young is helpful later in life

I am a middle school student who wants to know if thinking about your career when your young is good or if you should wait to worry about careers and jobs until later in life. #career #future #career-path #life

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JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 503 views

Is marketing a good job to have.

I am a middle school student who took a test that said marketing would be a good job for me. #school #jobs

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JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 949 views

Is it good to be involved in the stock market?

I am a middle school student who wants to get involved in the stock market. #web-marketing #marketing #online-marketing #stocks-investing #stock-market

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JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 830 views

What is the best way to start your career in planning and managing.

I am a middle school student who is interested in planning and managing. #career-development #career #future-careers #careers

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JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 631 views

How should you start your career to become a personal trainer.

I am a middle school student who took a test that said I should be a personal trainer. I want to know what the best way to start your career is. #career #career-development #future-careers

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JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 779 views

What is the salary of a personal trainer.

I am a middle school student who wants to become a personal trainer but I also want to make a decent amount of money. #trainer #student-athletes #money #financial-services

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JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 627 views

What classes should I take to become a personal trainer.

I am a middle school student who is interested in become a personal trainer. #students #student-athletes

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JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 1442 views

What classes should I take to become a vet.

I am a middle school who is interested in become a vet. #veterinarian #animal-health #veterinary-technician #veterinary #animals

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JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 549 views

What is the best way to prepare yourself to become a lawyer?

I am a middle school student who took a test that says being a lawyer would be good for me. #school #lawyer #students #lawyers #student

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JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 583 views

What are the best classes to take to become a lawyer?

I am a middle school student who took a test that said being a lawyer would be a good job for me. #school #students #lawyer #lawyers #lawyers

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JWILLY Mar 17, 2021 1059 views

What is the salary of a lawyer.

I am a middle school student who took a test that said I should be a lawyer. #lawyer #student #school #law #law-school #students

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JWILLY Mar 17, 2021 808 views

What are the best classes to take to become a broadcast news analyst.

I am a middle school student who took a test that said I should be a broadcast news analyst. #broadcast-journalism #sports-journalism #broadcast #schools

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JWILLY Mar 17, 2021 585 views

What are the best classes to get into planning and managing.

I am a middle school student who took a test that said I would be good at planning and managing. #student #planning #managing

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JWILLY Mar 17, 2021 796 views

What are the best classes to take in college to get into Marketing.

I a middle school student who took a survey in class that said that the best job for me would be marketing.#Marketing #student

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JWILLY Mar 17, 2021 539 views

What is the best way to get involved in the stock market?

I took a survey in class and the job that matched up best with my answers was financial investments #marketing .