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Javonte’s Avatar


Austin, Texas
19 Questions
1316 Karma

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Civic Duty

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Javonte’s Avatar
Javonte May 24, 2016 1143 views

What's the hardest part about your job?

I'm curious #doctor #medicine #hospital-and-health-care #career-counseling

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Javonte May 20, 2016 1281 views

Are engineers the same as game designers?

I was told that engineers solve problems, and I don't know the difference between that and a game designer. #engineer #gamer

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Javonte May 20, 2016 959 views

How long does it take to design games?

Games are cool and long. #gamers

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Javonte May 20, 2016 1064 views

How long does it take to be a doctor?

My mom said it takes a long time. #doctor