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Mohamed Behiry’s Avatar

Mohamed Behiry

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
8 Answers
9024 Reads
1 Karma

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LaRon’s Avatar
LaRon Jan 16, 2018 1378 views

Can I get a job with no experience?

I am a senior in college to receive a bachelor's degree in accounting. I haven't worked any job in ten years. I have no experience in the accounting field. Will I be able to find work in my field?
#accounting #college #experience #career-counseling

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Mar 25, 2018 2041 views

What is the highest title in the Accounting field?

I am undecided in my major, but I am strongly considering Accounting and becoming a CPA. I want to know if that position would be the highest position I could acquire. #job-promotion #job-rankings #accounting #cpa #accountant #undecided #need-this-scholarship #broke...

Tayla’s Avatar
Tayla Mar 25, 2018 1898 views

How do I obtain my CPA?

I want to major in accounting and I do not know what route to go about inorder to obtain my CPA license. #accounting #cpa

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine Mar 11, 2018 1289 views

What kind of job opportunities will I have once I have an accounting degree?

I'm currently in college for accounting and considering being a CPA, but I was wondering if there are any other jobs that I might be interested in once I attain an accounting degree. #accounting

Meliah’s Avatar
Meliah Sep 27, 2017 1324 views

What is the daily life of an accountant?

I am asking this question because I am interested in being one and I just want to know what do you do in accounting. #accounting

Kasey’s Avatar
Kasey May 13, 2016 1633 views

After earning a degree, do accounting companies usually recruit you?

I'm on my way to earning a degree in accounting. #accounting #accountant

Ryan ’s Avatar
Ryan Dec 03, 2013 1790 views

What are the requirements needed for accounting?

I am asking this question because I am going to be going to college and going to major in accounting. #accounting #corporate-finance

Yew Kin’s Avatar
Yew Kin Apr 07, 2020 2826 views

How is an auditing career different from what students will learn about in school?

I am an Accountancy & Finance student graduating this May. I was in a short internship in external auditing and it was an experience totally different from what I envisioned while still schooling. Unfortunately my time there was shortened because of Covid 19. Hope to hear more from your...