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Curllsville, Pennsylvania
3 Questions
136 Karma

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Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha May 22, 2016 1087 views

How to go about getting student loans

I wasn't able to fit into any economics classes in high school and am now freaking out about what sources to use for receiving student loans. I know that I am going to need something as my current scholarships aren't fully covering my education and I currently have no money to pay and my...

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha May 22, 2016 2485 views

Career in art education... Worth it?

My art teacher keeps telling me that one day I will also become an art teacher. I've always been set on editing, but I had always thrown around his idea as well and now that he mentions seeing it in me, I'm more seriously considering it. It would also be an option that would be flexible enough...

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Samantha May 22, 2016 1233 views

I have lots of questions about a career in editing

Throughout my high school career, I've worked as editor of our school's annual literary arts magazine, and I absolutely love it, and it has influenced my desire to pursue editing as a career. I'm looking into editing more broadly in a book editing sense, or in a magazine sense, but I would only...