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Edgewater, Colorado
7 Questions
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Jerry Jun 20, 2016 1975 views

How to ask someone to be a professional reference?

I have a temporary position (a summer job) that I'll have to leave when I go back to college in the fall. I feel like I've done a good job and would like future employers to my achievements here into consideration. How should I go about asking my manager or boss to be my reference? What about...

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Jerry Jun 20, 2016 7481 views

Does "experience" always mean "professional experience"?

I see a lot of job/internship listings that require the applicant to have experiences in fields that suggest he may not necessarily need professional experience (a past position). For example, some social media internships require the candidate to have "social media experience: 1+ years". Would...

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Jerry Jun 20, 2016 2266 views

How to request a recommendation from someone who has previously written one for you?

As a college student, I've had several professors write me recommendations and agree to be my references. In the future, when I'm applying to something new and need a recommendation or reference, how do I go about asking them again? Should it be expected that they will accept, or would it vary...

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Jerry Jun 20, 2016 1430 views

How do you ask your superiors for a day off to attend an event relating to your field?

I'm beginning as an intern in the tech industry soon, and TechInclusion is having a 2-day conference in NYC in about a week from today. Is it appropriate to ask my boss for a day off so I could attend the conference? If it is, how should I approach requesting such absences and would I expected...

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Jerry Jun 20, 2016 1120 views

How important is it to include the "Objective" line in your resume?

I'm a college student with two majors, neither of which directly links up to an industry or career. With this being the case, I don't want to bind myself to anything too technical or particular. Instead, I'm looking for professional experience/internships in general. How vital is it to include...

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Jerry Jun 20, 2016 1284 views

How do I prepare for a long-distance interview?

I've recently started the job/internship-searching process. It seems that, as a college student, many interviews you'll have are over the phone or via Skype. Many of us students have others in our dorm/suite, and the door swinging open and college-vernacular being hollered for just a few...

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Jerry Jun 20, 2016 1336 views

Should I use the same "professional" photo for all my profiles?

I've recently created a LinkedIn and a Skype for professional and interviewing purposes now that I'm transitioning into adulthood. Should my professional photo be recycled or is this a sign of laziness and worth avoiding? #linkedin #profile-picture