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Nipomo, California
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Riley’s Career Goals

I want to become an environmental scientist.

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  • Get a masters degree in Environmental Science, Environmental Management, or Environmental Economics
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My First List

  • [1:34 PM] Natalie Lachance Reflecting on the college application process, there are several things I would consider doing differently: 1. **Explore More Options:** I would consider a wider variety of schools and not just focus on the most popular ones or those suggested by friends and family. There's a whole world of universities and colleges out there, each with unique programs and opportunities. 2. **Start Early:** I'd begin the application process sooner to avoid last-minute stress. This includes researching potential schools, preparing for entrance exams, working on application essays, and gathering necessary documents. 3. **Research Thoroughly:** I would spend more time understanding the curriculum of the courses I'm interested in. College websites and alumni can be excellent resources for this. 4. **Consider the Future:** While it's hard to know exactly what career you want to pursue, having an idea of potential paths can guide your decision. I'd give more thought to what skills and experiences I want to gain from college and how they align with my potential career paths. 5. **Financial Planning:** I would assess the financial aspects more meticulously - understanding the total cost of education, considering scholarships and financial aid, and analyzing the return on investment. 6. **Visit Campuses:** If possible, I would visit campuses to get a feel for the environment, culture, and facilities, as these factors significantly impact your college experience. 7. **Trust My Gut:** Lastly, I'd remind myself that it's okay to trust my gut feeling. There's more to choosing a college than rankings and reputation - it's about where you feel you could thrive, grow, and be happy. Remember, the college application process is a learning experience in itself. No matter what, you're bound to gain valuable insights about yourself and your aspirations along the way.
  • I would assess the financial aspects more meticulously - understanding the total cost of education, considering scholarships and financial aid, and analyzing the return on investment.
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