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Todd Thompson’s Avatar

Todd Thompson

Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Cañon City, Colorado
6 Answers
20246 Reads
11 Karma

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austin’s Avatar
austin Jul 09, 2024 1413 views

how did you get where you at now ?

love to here

Olayinka’s Avatar
Olayinka Jun 20, 2024 434 views

why is salary earners still find it difficult to lives ?

like why do majority depends on loans all the time

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Oct 16, 2023 7431 views

Does it matter where you get your college degree from, if you wanna work at a big tech company?

I’m a senior in high school and I want to study computer science to become a programmer, the thing is that college is can be sort of expensive, I wanted to go out of state to a tech school but it is kind of pricey, the thing is that a college near me offers a computer science program as well...

Hayden’s Avatar
Hayden Oct 17, 2023 10584 views

How much do aerospace engineers make when they first start?

I'm in 8th grade and preparing for my future for when I get into college, my dream job is to be an Aerospace Engineer because I love science.

Addison’s Avatar
Addison Sep 18, 2023 479 views

My question is, am I doing the right thing? All of my classes are online which means I can do them anytime I want and I'm not in a rush. But I don't enjoy doing it, I hate having online classes because I'm always by myself. Does my happiness really matter if I don't enjoy what I'm doing but I have good grades??

My favorite hobbies are reading, photography, and listening to music. I always wanted to become an influencer, but people told me that it would be a terrible idea. So, I had to choose my plan B which is Business Administration. But I am feeling unhappy with this decision.

karis’s Avatar
karis Sep 19, 2023 457 views

How were you confidant in what you wanted to do?

How were you confidant in what you wanted to do?