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San Jose, California
3 Questions
201 Karma

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Mayra May 23 402 views

Is pursuing a law career fruitful/ is it worth it?

To all law graduates, I am interested in pursuing a career in law. I am wondering how fruitful and worth it this career has been for each of you? Would you say it is simpler to follow another profession?

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Mayra May 23 342 views

How much was University for you, what do I expect?

I am a first generation student with no money and no financial savings. I would like to know for everyone how was school for all of you? How much did it cost? What would be the starter kit for university?

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Mayra May 23 787 views

How do I navigate University as a first generation student ?

How difficult is University when entering as a Freshman, I am a first gen and I feel lost on knowing just what to expect? Please be specific about needs