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Tanya Randall’s Avatar

Tanya Randall

Anesthesiologists at Specialty Anesthesia Associates
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Belmar, New Jersey
6 Answers
10214 Reads
46 Karma

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Briana’s Avatar
Briana May 24, 2016 1179 views

How many years of schooling does it take to become an anesthesiologist?

I'm just curious! #career #medicine #healthcare #health #anesthesiology

Crystal’s Avatar
Crystal Oct 31, 2016 3159 views

To be an anesthesiologist, what should I major in and what education is required?

Thinking ahead, I want to become an anesthesiologist. #doctor #biology #pre-med #anesthesiologist #anesthesiology

Kyerra’s Avatar
Kyerra Oct 19, 2016 1219 views

If I major in biology can I go to medical schools and become an anesthesiologist?

I am asking this because I want to become an anesthesiologist or something along those lines. #doctor #anesthesiology #medical-school #medicine

spencer’s Avatar
spencer Sep 28, 2017 1832 views

How important is it to be an extrovert to become a doctor?

I want a career in the medical field. I love school and am very interested in the sciences and medicine/biology in particular. I am also shy and not sure I have the 'people skills' needed to become a doctor, which is what I believe I want to do. I need to know if I am better off pursuing...

Irieanna ’s Avatar
Irieanna Oct 23, 2016 1233 views

Is there any specific scholarships for anesthesiology?

I am a sophomore in high school and am planning on going into the medical field. I am hoping on finding scholarships so that I can get help for college. #medicine #anesthesiology

Marcus’s Avatar
Marcus May 13, 2016 1187 views

What are some good medical schools for anesthesiology?

I'm sure most medical schools are good, but I would like to know if there are any that are really good for anesthesiology. #medical-school #anesthesiology