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Laura Hyter’s Avatar

Laura Hyter

Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Huntsville, Alabama
6 Answers
6063 Reads
51 Karma

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Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Jul 16, 2014 2279 views

what career options would lead to working with NASA?

since childhood I always wanted to work at NASA and earn big bucks disregarding the job I I completed my 10 n am confused what to choose either IT , comp eng , electronics and telecom or electrical eng which will lead the way to my dream. I aslo want to know its difficulty levels...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Oct 15, 2018 1164 views

What's the best thing about attending an HBCU?

#college #hbcu

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Oct 30, 2018 713 views

If I want to become a Psychologist what classes would be best for me to take in college?

I want to go into the therapist side of psychology, so how will I choose my classes?
#college-major #college #psychology

Aliyah’s Avatar
Aliyah Jul 19, 2018 1014 views

What should I expect at an HBCU?

I've heard some good and some bad things about HBCU's and especially about students going there from out of state so I want to know what's the tea??

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Sep 26, 2018 1204 views

How do I keep from being overwhelmed when balancing school and my first job?

#job #school #busy #overwhelmed #work #job-search #first-job

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Sep 28, 2018 810 views

On or Off Campus

What's better for an incoming freshman? #college-advice Living on or off campus.