Philip Bobb-Semple
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What is being a Mechanical Engineer like on a daily basis?
Since I am a freshman in high school, and nobody in my family has a similar occupation, I am curious about how work is on a daily basis and what some expectations are on the job.

What type of experience I need to be mechanical and electrical engineer
So after high school I want to get a masters in mechanical and electrical engineering and go to the navy after #mechanical-engineer #electrical-engineering

Is there anything else you think I need to know
Mechanical engineering and electrical engineering #mechanical-engineering #electrical-engineering

How much education is needed to become a mechanical engineer?
I’m currently in ninth grade and I would like to know what classes I should take in high school as well as college in order to become a mechanical engineer. #mechanical-engineering #mechanics

What would you say is the most difficult class involved in achieving a mechanical engineering degree?
I’m going for this degree but would like to know others opinions on class difficulties. #mechanical

What would be a better choice for me to choose robotic engineering or mechanical engineering?
I have participated in the robotics club at my school all four years of my high school life, it is something that I have grown to love and I am curious on what would be better if I was wanting to pursue something in the same line of work. #mechanical-engineering #mechanical-engineer #robotics...

Would you ever consider being an Anesthesiologist?
Late in your life would you consider furthering your career? #mechanical-engineering #healthcare

What is the most successful route to become a engineer ?
I want to become an engineer to help construct and building things. What is a strategy or best way to get there? I am a little familiar with things people built around me. What is the most directive way to get there?
#mechanical-engineering #industrial-engineering