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Luisa Cabrera’s Avatar

Luisa Cabrera

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Mexico City, Mexico
3 Answers
2885 Reads
1 Karma

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Akelia’s Avatar
Akelia May 02, 2019 768 views

How do no improve on my weak areas in English Language?

#language #english

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Mar 05, 2018 1179 views

What are some tips for language learning?

I love to learn languages and often do so by teaching myself. I can speak English and German proficiently, followed by Spanish decently well, and basic sentences in Turkish, Italian, and Russian. What are some tips on learning foreign languages and becoming more fluent? #language #german...

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Nov 29, 2017 1376 views

Could I get advice from yoga teachers?

Hi fellow yoga teachers! I'm curious to know where you get your inspiration for music? How do you switch up your sequencing? What are your favorite poses? How do you cater to certain groups? What is your favorite flow to teach? Thank you! Maddie #yoga #mindfulness #music...