Do global internships benefit you when it comes to veterinary school applications??
I'm currently an undergraduate looking to apply to vet school in a few years. I know that having relevant experience is crucial, so I've been applying for lots of internships. I fond some summer opportunities abroad, but there are steep program fees and I'm wondering if entry into these would be more beneficial to my application since most revolve around research or wildlife rehabilitation with animals in a setting that may not be as readily available in the US. #internship #science #college #veterinary #job #admissions #veterinary-school #vet-school #veterinarian #research #global #grad-school #graduate-school #resume #application #work
3 answers
Courtney’s Answer
In short, not really. Vet schools are just looking to see that you've gained some experience/knowledge in the field. You'd be better off saving that money to open your practice or applying it towards tuition. A global internship really only benefits you is in the job market. For example if you want to be a zoo vet, an internship in South Africa working with rhinos would look good, but you could also obtain that experience by interning with rhinos at a zoo here in the U.S.
I'm a zoo keeper and I work with several zoo keepers that did internships abroad and have Bachelor degrees and they're actually older than me by 2- 10 years, but below me in rank. While zoo keepers are typically required to have a have a bachelor's degree, I don't. However, I took 10 animal science classes in high school, volunteered at the zoo for 4 years in high school, and volunteered at a vet clinic for 1 year in high school. After graduating high school, the zoo I volunteered at offered me a job as a zoo keeper because of all my hands on experience during high school. Since I don't need my bachelor's degree to become a zoo keeper (because I already am one), I'm getting my degree in business management. This has set me apart from the other zoo keepers because I'm the one person that not only knows how to do animal husbandry but I can also manage people/run a business.
I guess what I'm saying is...keep focus on your end goal and make sure that you're making the smartest moves to get there. Don't spend time or money that won't benefit your end goal. Spending a considerable amount of money to get experience working with exotic animals from other countries will only benefit you if you plan on working with exotic animals from other countries. And if you do want to work with those animals, look for ways to work with them locally so that you don't have to spend that precious money doing an internship abroad. I hope this helps!
Hanleigh’s Answer

Lindsay Williams
Lindsay’s Answer
I would highly advise to use your internships to gain experience and money. Unless you are looking to provide veterinary services to animals who are not in the area where you are, there is no reason to seek an internship abroad. Study abroad is always beneficial, but internships are to gain professional experience. In my business, global expertise are necessary. In yours (from what you've shared so far), it is not. Good question, though - study abroad is often stressed as such a benefit that it's good to ask the next question..."benefit for what?"