Career questions tagged applying-for-jobs
What part time jobs can I get at 15?
What part time jobs can a 15 year old get? I just turned 15 last month and have been trying to find a part time job to earn extra cash before school starts back up, I tried McDonald’s but none of them in my area are currently hiring. I don’t know where else to look because most restaurants in my area require you to be 16 years old.
How can I get job interviews consistently?
I’ve been trying to find my first job for a very long time. I already customize every resume to each job application that I submit. Even though I am looking for my first job, I do have substantial volunteer experience (5 years). I know that job searching is a numbers game, but it doesn’t make sense to me to submit 500 applications for only one to advance me to the interview stage – I’d rather focus my time and energy on crafting my application to get to the interview every time or most of the time. Is there anything I can do to increase my odds of getting a job interview and/or get feedback on why I’m not being considered?