Career questions tagged dissertation

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Esther671 views

How influential is your dissertation or degree emphasis on your career employment?

I am about to start a doctoral program in clinical psychology. Everyone is telling me that an emphasis and dissertation focus on military veterans, can lead to a better practicum and internship placement with the VA, which apparently is on the higher earning spectrum in terms of clinical psychology careers. Can someone still get employed in this position if they put their dissertation and degree emphasis on a different topic? #clinicalpsychology #career #degree #dissertation #doctorate #doctoral #employmet #JULY20 #psychology

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Harley798 views

What are the average requirements for a thesis or dissertation?

I am an avid writer, and I don't think a thesis or dissertation will be too difficult for me. However, this is a high school student speaking, so I can't really be sure. I'd like to know ( on average) what the requirements are in the forensic pathology field, so I can get used to writing with them. Thank you! #doctorate-degree #masters #writing #thesis #dissertation #highschool #forensics #medical-education

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Joseph731 views

Whether teaching experience in graduate school is necessary or at least optimal for securing a post-graduate teaching position at a college or university?

As a newly minted graduate student, I was wondering whether colleges looking to hire post-graduates for teaching positions generally place extensive weight on teaching experience? Once I finish coursework in graduate school, is it advisable to teach classes while working on a dissertation or on comprehensive exams? Or is it recommended to focus on the exams and dissertation singularly? It is unlikely a graduate student will have extensive teaching experience upon completion of the degree, but I am unsure whether schools are generally looking for at lease some if not a good deal of teaching experience. #university-teaching #graduate-school #dissertation

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