Career questions tagged unsurewhattodo
Ki'yon253 views
What are some things I can do to prepare myself to be a engineer?
I am a 9th grade freshman, and I wanted to know a couple of things I can start doing to help me pursue the career I wanted to do in the future.
Staying490 views
What career paths might be good for me?
I love to help others, but can't handle a lot of stress/pressure for long. I don't need 6 figures, but I want to immigrate to Canada and want a job that will be good there. I would prefer the job be more on the safe side, but I'm fine with risk or minor injuries (bruise, scratches, sore muscles)
Kevin393 views
What should I do, if I'm not yet decided on what to do?
what should I do if I'm not yet decided on what to pursue in my future? Im not quite sure what I would like to do and I'm on my second to last year of high school.
Roxanne765 views
im 37 and about to enter college again...whats the oldest someone has started back and what was the most difficult part of attending college courses for you?
ive been in the medical field but most recent position was in manufacturing. #unsurewhattodo