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Andres Lozano’s Avatar

Andres Lozano

DFS Front Operations Manager
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Mexico City, Mexico
6 Answers
10241 Reads
2 Karma

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Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar Nov 30, 2021 946 views

how to get a lot of money

#college #graduate-school #finance

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Jan 21, 2022 792 views

How hard is it to learn to code?

#coding #technology

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Apr 23, 2020 2416 views

Important Skills to Break into Finance?

#finance #business #career

S’s Avatar
S Jul 10, 2020 4378 views

What type of careers can one do with a finance degree?

I am a senior and interested in doing finance. I want to know more about the type of careers that are both financially stable and less stressful. #finance #career

Lysette’s Avatar
Lysette Oct 09, 2020 1692 views

What are some Careers you would suggest for me?

Hi my name is Lysette and I've been struggling in find a suitable career for myself, I have really been drawn to language learning, and travel, but I am very creative and I don't want to do a career that is too technical such as an interpreter, I would like to do something that Is creative,...

Racheal’s Avatar
Racheal Jul 21, 2020 943 views

How do I know I have found the right career?

When I ask people how they knew that their current career was the right one for them they usually answer with "you just know" or "I'm happy" or "it just feel right". In a general sense I understand that but since I have not experienced it I am questioning if the vagueness of *just knowing*....