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Yury Rojek’s Avatar

Yury Rojek

Investment Officer
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
New York, New York
4 Answers
2179 Reads
1 Karma

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Becca’s Avatar
Becca May 12, 2016 1186 views

What would I be able to do with a degree in math?

I want to eventually go to school for math but I don't know what I could do with it. #mathematics #math

Shakuan’s Avatar
Shakuan Jul 02, 2016 1205 views

What country/countries have study abroad programs that are great for Math majors?

It is very difficult to determine what country to study abroad in that will relate to my major. Are there any countries that come to mind when you think "Math major?" #college #career #mathematics #math #college-bound #study-abroad

MJ’s Avatar
MJ Mar 07, 2015 1284 views

What Courses Must I Take for High School To Become A Doctor?

I'm currently in 8th grade, and class registration is coming up at the end of this month. The classes that I am likely to take is Mobio/Bio, Geometry, Chinese, Band, World History, English 9, and PE. I'm really interested in becoming a doctor, but I'm stressed whether I should take Mobio or...

Hamlet’s Avatar
Hamlet Jan 17, 2018 747 views

How does an aspiring mathematician stay motivated in researching pure mathematics?

Hi! I am a high school senior set on becoming a "pure mathematician." Ever since I learned the proof to the quadratic formula in 10th grade, I have been chasing abstract mathematics and working to improve my problem-solving skills. Less than a year ago, I came across a very interesting problem...