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Sweta Doshi’s Avatar

Sweta Doshi

Brand Strategy Consultant
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
New York, New York
3 Answers
10144 Reads
36 Karma

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Arshad’s Avatar
Arshad May 14, 2016 2222 views

Do you update your resume over time? If yes how often do you do?

Updating you resume would mean adding additional achievements or swapping with better achievements you have made throughout your college years. From what I know only few people update their resumes often. #college #career #resume

Estefania’s Avatar
Estefania May 17, 2016 6601 views

How hard is it to get into the fashion industry?

I am asking this because I want to know what it takes to make it in this industry working any aspect of it such a merchandising and being a retail buyer or a stylist. #apparel-and-fashion #styling

Dimarco’s Avatar
Dimarco May 18, 2016 1220 views

How do fashion marketers keep up with the new and different fashion trends in everyday society?

I know it must be hard and frustrating to wake up to the different trends of fashions society creates for themselves everyday. I want to know how do marketers cope with it and adapt to it so they stay relevant and on top. #business #marketing #fashion #design #merchandising