Marisa Held

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Do you find it rude when we don't say 'thank you'?
ALL PROFESSIONALS! Do you find it rude that if we ask a question, we never thanked you for responding? I've seen a ton of discussions in Career Village that professionals don't even get the "thanks" for responding to the question. I got curious if you find it rude hehe I would like to formally...

What if your career goal changes throughout the years?
#careergoal #struggle #longterm

If you want to become an actress but your mind is also set on being a pediatrician what should I do?
I'm really passionate about acting, it's something I see myself doing but I really want to help kids and take care of kids. My heart is leaning towards acting but most people have been telling me it's not a real job and you don't know if you're going to be successful. What should I do?...

How do I become more social ?
I am introverted and in my room a lot, very shy and do not talk to people #any

What's the best career decision you've ever made in your lifetime ?
#career-choice #career-choice #career #careers #professional #director #career-choice #careers #career #career-choice