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Hao Ren’s Avatar

Hao Ren

New York, New York
1 Questions
12 Karma

Hao Ren’s Career Goals

I aspire to be a versatile full-stack developer.



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I aspire to be a versatile full-stack developer with more than my current skills in Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and C#. I’ve created many projects in my GitHub repositories that teach computer science and mathematics to some extent. Being a project lead before, I can say that guiding people and having projects completed by project milestones requires everyone to be a self-learner from the heart with a passion. My hobbies are the arts and reading when I’m not programming or learning. Integrating code with art can go a long way toward creating a masterpiece product, and learning new technologies is a crucial part of that process (especially in staying relevant to current trends). TLDR: I'm a web developer who is passionate about redefining the intersection of art, coding, and user interactions.