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Sean Halliday’s Avatar

Sean Halliday

Software Developer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
6 Answers
3762 Reads
31 Karma

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Savion’s Avatar
Savion Dec 01, 2023 496 views

What are possible ways to become a good game designer/developer/game-creator?

Ways to become amazing game developer.

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Dec 01, 2023 309 views

How long have you been in the IT pathway and what are some pros and cons of the profession?

What did you enjoy about the field in your years of experience and what did you dislike? And why did you dislike the topic

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Dec 01, 2023 620 views

For computer scientists how many years of education did it take to acquire a job?

What gave you the most stress, and trouble doing the years of education. What college did you attend and do you reccomend it?

Sam’s Avatar
Sam Nov 17, 2023 528 views

How can I build myself up if I want good in programming ?

How can I build myself up if I want good in programming ?

Zhayahn’s Avatar
Zhayahn Nov 27, 2023 1495 views

Is computer science worth it with ai taking over

Is computer science worth it with ai taking over

Adeyinka’s Avatar
Adeyinka Nov 29, 2023 614 views

How to become a Software progammer?

i am a 13 year old seventh grader and i being learning how to code but i do not know what course to study, so i am wondering if you can help me with that