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Maria Kearsley’s Avatar

Maria Kearsley

Centreville, Virginia
4 Answers
6119 Reads
1 Karma

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Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Nov 09, 2023 912 views

How can I keep my grades up, while starting my first job. Also while handling challenges at home.

Hi, Im in 10th grade, I want to own business and get into real estate. Thats why Im asking “How can I keep my grades up, while starting my first job. Also while handling challenges at home.”

Jasharee’s Avatar
Jasharee Nov 13, 2023 645 views

What internships can I get ?

What kind of internships can I get while in school? Can I work any internships? Is there anything I need to consider or look into while I’m in this career pathway?

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Dec 09, 2023 2537 views

What should I go to college for??

What should I go to college for?

irie’s Avatar
irie Dec 11, 2023 1751 views

How long does it take to get a good paying job?

name examples of jobs