karen’s Career Goals
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What is a good way for a 16 year old girl to make money?
Hello, I am looking for an easy way to make money online. I have an airbrushing company, and I will hopefully start selling dips for bread. I was wondering if there was a way to make money doing something easy online.

What is the quickest way to become a registered nurse midwife? Does it help to have experience shadowing? If so, what are some more opportunities to make the process faster?
I want to know the quickest and most efficient way to get through this process of becoming a nurse midwife. Also, am I less likely to get a job opportunity if I go to online college for my BA? Thanks!

I am wondering if I start off being a midwife, is there a way I can switch in middle to a nurse midwife? Also, how much years off school total is it to be a midwife, and a nurse midwife? What is the difference between them? Thanks!
I am in 10th grade, and I am interested in the field of labor and delivery. I find women to be amazing and I would love to be part of the process, to bring more babies into this world! I am interested in Biology and anatomy and physiology.