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Frank Rodriguez’s Avatar

Frank Rodriguez

Client Executive
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Tampa, Florida
4 Answers
7467 Reads
16 Karma

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Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Oct 26, 2016 3701 views

Would it be better to get a job with the federal government or a corporation such as Boeing or Lockheed Martin?

I have heard that getting jobs with the government can be difficult unless you have people on the inside to help you out. So, I'm asking if avoiding the hassle and going to a corporation would be just as good (if not better). #engineering #science #technology #mechanical-engineering #math...

Gwendolyn’s Avatar
Gwendolyn Sep 02, 2017 1194 views

What other branches of studies should Information Security students look into?

I've interned with Citibank for the past few years and I had an opportunity to work with the cyber security team. With the majors I have been advised to pursue they all lead to computer science. As a college freshmen I don't have to make the final decision but I was wondering if anyone in the...

rafael’s Avatar
rafael May 26, 2016 1163 views

what does someone need to become a engineer?

I'm asking to find out how to become a engineer because I want to become one in the future #engineer #technology

Noah ’s Avatar
Noah May 26, 2016 1895 views

In the Telecommunications field how important was your portfolio?

Wanting more insight on how important your portfolio is and the content in it.