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Austin, Texas
6 Questions
336 Karma

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Danielle Nov 20, 2024 411 views

What Are the Most Important Skills to Have Before Entering a Business Class in College? #Fall24

I am planning to take a business course in college, and want to have the most important skills down so that the class isn't harder than it has to be. What are the best skills to learn beforehand, and what should I expect from the course? - ex. workload, public speaking, collaboration, etc. #Fall24

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Danielle Oct 27, 2024 260 views

What are good methods of earning money from home as a senior in high school #Fall24?

I don't have the means of driving or being driven around to actual worksites, so side hustles from home are mostly the only option for me at the moment. I am pretty tech savvy, well-versed in navigating the web and social media, and am not partial to any type of job. Thanks! #Fall24

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Danielle Sep 27, 2024 1110 views

If interested in a future career in law, should you major in something that is highly requested in the local area, or something niche?

I am applying to colleges at the moment, and am wondering what should dictate my decision of what to major and minor in. I want to do everything possible to have a successful future career as a lawyer, so I want my classes to be more geared toward giving me an edge- not a generic major that...

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Danielle Apr 25, 2024 1048 views

If not law, what career should rational thinkers with an interest in current events and living comfortably pursue? #Spring24

I believe I really want to become a lawyer, or be involved with the law in any type of way.. but if I had to choose something else- another job with the same values- what are some good options? #Spring24

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Danielle Apr 25, 2024 806 views

What dual-credit classes would set me up for a easier time in college, when trying to pursue a career in law? #Spring24

I'm in my junior year of high school, and I'm planning to take dual-credit classes this fall. I want to utilize this time to make my future easier, but I would like some pointers on what classes to look at.
If there aren't any DUAL-CREDIT classes, which classes should I take in general? Thanks!

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Danielle Feb 27, 2024 498 views

What would you say is the most challenging part about attempting to pursue a career in law and criminal justice What makes it all worth it?

I'm currently wrapping up my junior year of high school, and am really trying to solidify what I want to do in college. Any words of advice and/or warning would be greatly appreciated.