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Michelle Gracia’s Avatar

Michelle Gracia

Human Resources
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Granite Bay, California
3 Answers
4490 Reads
1 Karma

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Arsh’s Avatar
Arsh Apr 24, 2024 2752 views

How should I prepare myself for the Human Resources field ?

I am currently a junior in highschool and I plan to major in industrial/orginzational psychology with a minor in business administration. I want to have a job in the human resources field. Is there any thing I should do or know to prepare myself for that field?

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle Apr 13, 2024 1091 views

How can I be good at my career?

I am the type of person that thinks I can never do anything right, especially if the task seems very big and cumbersome. I want help so that I can enjoy my career.

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Apr 25, 2024 741 views

How can I decide whether to transition to elementary teaching from the mental health counseling profession?

For as long as I can remember, I have gone back and forth between the two careers. I even have master's degrees in both fields, so I am technically qualified to do either. I have only ever worked in the mental health field though. I never really made the jump to being an elementary teacher....