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Medford, Oregon
2 Questions
101 Karma

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Zena Jan 16, 2018 777 views

It seems like more jobs need a degree to get. If this is the case, why are university/college prices going up? It is just putting more young adults into debt.

I am asking because I am going to college/university to get my degree and I am curious to why it is costing me so much.
#student-debt #college-major #degrees #college #financial-planning #student-loans #financial-advising

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Zena Jan 16, 2018 927 views

If an educated population is very important, why are teachers in the US not respected (and trusted) as much as they are in other countries?

We had to do a project in English about our "Ideal Education System" and this question came to my mind. I also want to be a teacher.
#teacher #respect #education