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Patricia R. Kerr

Professor, Retired
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
5 Answers
3350 Reads
11 Karma



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My career spanned almost 45 years. The first 20 years or so was in parochial and public schools teaching science most often and in Grades 2 through 8. Loved those middle schoolers!

After going back to school, I moved to another state and worked in their Department of Education helping science teachers improve their skills and knowledge. That lasted 10 years before I decided to go back to school -- again! At the end of that scholarly effort, I had some very interesting experiences.

One was with a former astronaut at my alma mater, and two other jobs were in the Middle East. Qatar University in Doha, Qatar was the most adventurous. For 6 years, I taught in my native language - English; however, most of my students used English as their second, third, or even fourth fluent language.

I learned so much; I'm so glad I went!