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Kenneth Roldan’s Avatar

Kenneth Roldan

Music Production
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Orlando, Florida
4 Answers
5868 Reads
1 Karma

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Kenneth’s Career Stories

What is the one piece of career advice you wish someone gave you when you were younger?

When it comes to Music, I was always taught to work hard and follow my dreams to achieve my goals, but the best advice I was never given was to have discipline and good communication skills. Growing up, I was an introverted person with a passion for music. Every song I listened to needed to be analyzed. I was always curious to know how songs were made, written, produced, and mastered. But, I didn't have the communication skills to share what I was learning. When it comes to advice for musicians, have discipline in everything that you do, whether it's performing, music production, or anything that requires time in the music industry. It will be very important to talk to the people who surround you and make genuine connections. It became very hard for met to get motivated to work on music when I felt alone in the industry. As soon as I started making connections and opening myself up to criticism, doors started opening for me and the process of creating music didn't feel so lonely anymore. I encourage everyone to do the same, it's never too late!