Career questions tagged state-police

Im Completely lost within myself and my future college choice, please help!!!
Hi! Im currently a Senior in high-school, around the Dmv area. I have never really thought about what I wanted to have a degree in or in general what lies ahead of me. In the beginning of the school year i was thinking about majoring in Nursing specifically wanting to be a PICU Nurse. But later on realized My family can't afford to spend that much money but also wasn't planning on being in school for a long time. Then around like November, I was thinking about majoring in Forensic, and after having a not so friendly encounter with a Forensic Teacher in a different school, i felt unmotivated. But now I'm either thinking about joining the Marines/ Train to become a State Cop/or just go back to forensic. Especially since i have already applied to 2 Universities for Forensic Science and BioTechnology (Pre-Forensic Studies). I know it might sound cheesy but i just want to work to give me parents someone to rely on, Im the oldest out of my siblings and I don't know what I'm doing on CommonApp. Ive been just putting information I know and later on asking friends and my parents about other things. Im First-Gen and I very exhausted and overwhelmed. Please help!!