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Tobi David OLABIYI’s Avatar

Tobi David OLABIYI

Mathematics Researcher
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Lagos, Nigeria
1 Answers
831 Reads
51 Karma



Active Locations


I am enthusiast, and an open source leader, with various qualities including communication and interpersonal skills, social relations and inquisitiveness, teachable, with willingness to learn and teaching, mentoring capabilities.

I am mathematics graduate seeking scholarship to pursue Masters degree in Mathematics.

Tobi David’s Career Stories

In layperson terms, what do you actually do at work?

I am Mathematics Researcher in area of Functional Analysis.

When you were a student, did you do anything outside of school to build skills or get knowledge that has helped your career?

Get involved in volunteering at various capacities both local and national levels. This has helped me to build leadership, team spirit, team collaboration, multitasking and various of governmental and organizational skills and abilities, which are not directly taught in the four-wall of classroom.