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Rachel Kibby’s Avatar

Rachel Kibby

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
2 Answers
1548 Reads
1 Karma

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Dana’s Avatar
Dana Oct 26, 2024 312 views

how to navigate competitive pre-health community?

I'm a 2nd year bio major just joined prehealth route and I feel behind in my extracurriculars. It's hard not to compare myself knowing that I will have to compete with them when I do my pa school application. I'm trying to improve my stats and will meet with an advisor soon to discuss my...

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Oct 27, 2024 389 views

How can I study ahead for career?

I've been doing well in my grades and I think I've a lot of free time where I can make good use of it.I want to become a nurse or a medical doctor and I'm still deciding but I don't know what exactly is required of me to start my journey before I enter college.#Fall24