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Samantha’s Avatar


Tampa, Florida
3 Questions
121 Karma

Samantha’s Career Goals

I want to be a electrical or mechanical engineer in tampa/Orlando at a Walt Disney world.


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Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jul 18, 2023 6462 views

What is it like working as a imagineer for disney?

I have no idea what I want to do in life but I love Disney and all the rides there. I think it would be amazing to build rides that bring kids joy on the best day or days of there lives. I live in Florida where Disney world is for context. I would love to know how I could maybe get my foot in...

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jul 13, 2023 837 views

What should I do if I want to Become an actor in musicals?

I love to do musicals but I don’t Know how could even achieve this dream of mine it feels too out of reach. But I am in musical theater and voicemail techniques at my high school.

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jul 13, 2023 455 views

What is it like being a biologist or marine biologist ?

I have no idea what I want to do in life. I am only a freshman but it is good to get ideas. So how did you accomplish getting a job as a biologist or marine biologist and what are some frequently asked questions you can answer? How many years of college did you do? What is the best college to...